Hi it’s me Bee Bee… I thought I would come on here and write my own bio because it seems like nothing the people do or say at FFR is working. They are trying super hard to find me an adopter but maybe if I tell you my story it will help a little better.
Let’s start from the beginning. Well maybe not the whole beginning as I try to forget the bad parts. I’ll start from where I remember.
In February, I was on the streets. My previous owners kicked me out and honestly I don’t really know why. I promise I’m a good girl and always try to be. I am potty trained and crate trained. My foster mom got me an airline crate and it’s makes me feel super safe. I walk right in when she asks.
But back to my story… The animal control officer picked me up and I ended up at a really loud scary shelter. I always tried to make the best of it though. I loved all the staff and volunteers. They always showed me love and I even made some dog friends at the shelter! I knew if I was a good girl I would get to leave and I was right! I wasn’t sure where I was going but one of the regulars there told me I was going to a rescue. I said that sounds scary but he told me that means that I will be taken care of and looked after till I get to find my forever family. I was soooo excited to get out of the shelter. I went into a foster home and had a friend right away! His name is Milo and he told me he came from the shelter I was at too! He told me if I’m a good girl I will get adopted too. I swear I’m trying to be the best girl I can be but I’m starting to think maybe just no one is out there for me.
The people at Freedom First Rescue say I’m about 5. I can’t remember my birthday but we can pretend I’m any age you want if that makes you like me more. Oh also they think I’m a hound/pitbull mix. That could be true I never really got to know my parents. I like dogs I PROMISE I do but I really don’t like when dogs get up all in my face. It’s really weird and freaks me out a little like hello can we smell butts first or something ?! I don’t like the over bearing in your face type. The cool, calm and collected pups are the best. Oh and then there’s cats… I currently live with two. They smell funky… with that said I don’t mess with them at all. We coexist just fine. They don’t bother with me so I don’t bother with them.
I am a people pleaser(so I have been told) so it does work in your favor with training. Also on the topic of training, I do have a little quirk but like nothing crazy, I swear. I get a little excited on leash when I see another dog. I get so excited but frustrated when I can’t run up to them and say hi. Like what the heck is holding me back?! Oh yea the leash… So I’ve been working on learning to take a second when I see friends. Honestly, I’ve pretty much mastered this with my foster mom, training and my gentle leader. If you set your expectations with me , I do figure it out. I swear I’m not a dummy.
Did I mention I love people and kids(like kids A LOT). The people at the rescue say I’m probably too big for younger kids though cause I’m 70 pounds and kind of clumsy and when I get zoomies watch out for ya girl! I’d likely knock a little kid over on accident so probably kids 10+ are best (Or a tough kid who can handle a tumble?)
I don’t want to get forgotten that I’m here in Foster care. All the dogs at FFR are at events and I’ve been here since February. Is there something wrong with me? The people at FFR tell me that if someone is interested in me they can make a meet happen. The problem is no one seems to be interested. So I’ll be here waiting. I just hope it’s not much longer. I know foster care is way better than the shelter or boarding but having the forever family and the real thing is all I’ve been hoping and wishing for literally my whole life.
Maybe you can be my family?